Shortcodes for Hugo to implement two columns

markdown extension

Image credit: Unsplash


What a shortcode is

Hugo loves Markdown because of its simple content format, but there are times when Markdown falls short. Often, content authors are forced to add raw HTML (e.g., video <iframe>’s) to Markdown content. We think this contradicts the beautiful simplicity of Markdown’s syntax.

类似于通过提前编写一些组件,然后就可以在Markdown中快捷地使用这些命令了。shortcodes不同于Partial template(Hugo的另一个功能,我博客的评论系统和toc都是根据此搞得),并不会直接生效,而是需要我们显示的调用,如{{% shortcodename arguments %}}{{< shortcodename arguments >}}

Note 这两者还是略有区别的,但在我们这个例子没什么区别。


  1. 将HTML的template放到layouts/shortcodes目录下,文件名字为我们后面使用的shortcodename。template如下,我命名为two-columns.html

    <div class="book-columns flex flex-wrap">
    {{ range split .Inner "<--->" }}
      <div class="flex-even markdown-inner">
        {{ . | $.Page.RenderString }}
    {{ end }}
  2. 如果存在scss文件,需要放在assets\scss中,我是直接放在了custom.scss文件中。scss文件内容如下

    $padding-16: 1rem !default;
    $body-min-width: 20rem !default;
    .flex {
      display: flex;
    .flex-auto {
      flex: 1 1 auto;
    .flex-even {
      flex: 1 1;
    .flex-wrap {
      flex-wrap: wrap;
    .book-columns {
    margin-left: -$padding-16;
    margin-right: -$padding-16;
    	> div {
    	  margin: $padding-16 0;
    	  min-width: $body-min-width / 2;
    	  padding: 0 $padding-16;
  3. 在markdown文件中使用命令来查看效果。


{{< two-columns >}}

status_t SurfaceFlinger::createEffectLayer(const LayerCreationArgs& args, sp<IBinder>* handle,
                                           sp<Layer>* outLayer) {
    *outLayer = getFactory().createEffectLayer(args);
    *handle = (*outLayer)->getHandle();
    return NO_ERROR;


Hello test

{{< /two-columns >}}


status_t SurfaceFlinger::createEffectLayer(const LayerCreationArgs& args, sp<IBinder>* handle,
                                           sp<Layer>* outLayer) {
    *outLayer = getFactory().createEffectLayer(args);
    *handle = (*outLayer)->getHandle();
    return NO_ERROR;
Hello test


[1] Shortcodes

[2] Hugo Book - Columns

QianLong Sang
QianLong Sang
Second Year CS Phd

My research interests include operating system, computer architecture and computer security.